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Apa itu reality, Apa itu Normalcy?

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Bila kamu suka film yang bertemakan Neuroscience, film seri Perception akan menarik. Berikut postingan kami di youtube, potongan adegan bagian dimana Dr. Pierce menjelaskan pada siswanya tentang reality dan normalcy.

Kebetulan saya cukup tertarik dengan film ini, karena film thriller yang dibungkus dengan neuro science.. apakah teori yang disampaikan dalam film ini benar apa tidak.. kita mesti tanya pada ahlinya..

Silakan dinikmati cuplikan teori-teori yang disampaikan dr. Pierce :)

What is reality?

Reality.. Is a figment of your imagination.

Who here hasn't woken up breathless from a nightmare  and thought, "oh, thank God it's just a dream"?

That's because the neurochemical impulses fired when we're dreaming or fantasizing or hallucinating
are indistinguishable from the ones banging around inside our skulls when we actually experience those events.

So..If what we perceive is often wrong.. How can we ever know what's real and what isn't?

What is Normal?

Last week, I asked, "what is reality?"
This week, I want to talk about normalcy.

What is normal?

If you feel sad, do you just have a case of the blues, or are you suffering from a neurochemical imbalance?
The vast majority of the case studies that we've been looking at involve patients whose brains are anything but normal, and there's no question they suffer.

But.. Is it all bad?

For some, their neurological states might actually protect them from painful truths that no one would want to think about. Others develop a.. A cheerful disposition that may help them cope with situations the rest of us would find disturbing.

And if we are to establish a baseline, then we also have to ask ourselves..

How the brains of even so-called normal people..
Respond to certain stimuli.

And if we're able to treat those people living with neurological disorders,
restore them to.. Quote.. "Normalcy"..

Well, of course we're helping them. But might we sometimes also be stripping away what makes them unique..

Robbing them of an essential part of who they are?

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Mengisi waktu luang dengan film seri atau film layar lebar. Disela adegan, kadang ada hal yang menggelitik rasa ingin tahu, apa mobil yang dipakai, pistol apa yang dipakai, jam tangan apa itu, dan seterusnya...

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